Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Caroline and Joseph's First Day of MDO

Caroline and Joseph had a GREAT first day of MDO.  They are in Mrs. Anita and Mrs. Melanie's class, and they are so sweet.  Mary Kate is in your class, too!  Caroline and MK had on the same dress on the first day, which was not at all planned.  You both had fun playing on the playground, playing with the cars, getting Oreos to celebrate June's birthday, and painting.  You liked being able to bring a snack to school, too.  You can't wait to go back on Thursday.
Your schedule this year is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:55-1:00.
The first week of school you only go until 12:00.

Your teachers asked each child's parents to decorate their page with pictures and anything else you may want.  These are for a binder that will be in the classroom.  You and your classmates will be able to flip through the binder and learn about each other.

Thank you, Say Say, for capturing these sweet, exciting moments before school.


Mrs. Anita and Mrs. Melanie

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