Saturday, September 26, 2020

The Mighty Mermaids Play St. Jude K Boys

It was a beautiful morning to play soccer!  This was Catherine's first soccer game with her team, and she scored the ONLY point!!  Way to go my girl!!  We are so proud of you.  You are not an aggressive player and can be a bit shy when it comes to stealing the ball away from the other team.  But the opportunity presented itself for you to kick the ball into the goal, and you did it!!  There was lots of cheering going on.  And you were so excited to be playing William and Eli's team.  It was Mommy's turn to bring snacks for the team, so I brought donuts and juice.  You three enjoyed eating your chocolate donut with sprinkles.  After the game, we went to the CCLA park with Isabella and had a play date. Y'all decided to play in the spray park with your clothes on and got soaking wet (except for Joseph!  He wasn't into getting wet in his clothes).  What a fun Saturday!

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