Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year's Day 2021

Happy New Year! We kicked off our new year with a jog around the LSU lakes.  Then we picked up some black-eyed peas, cabbage, and pork from MiMi's to eat at home.  You guys weren't sure about taking a bite of the peas or cabbage, but Mommy and Daddy made you try a bite of each.  We need all the luck and wealth we can get!  
Later that evening, Ray Ray, Aunt Natalie, and Camilla came over for a visit.  They wanted to give Joseph and Caroline their birthday gift.  This was a special visit because it was Camilla's first time at our house!  She was so good and didn't cry at all.  They gave you two camping things to go along with your party.  How fun!!  Thank you Ray Ray, Aunt Natalie, and Camilla!


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