Friday, January 1, 2021

January Pictures

Caroline's teacher sent me this picture.  For the letter L this week, someone brought lemons for everyone to try.  This was Caroline's face after trying the lemon.  Sour!

Catherine wanted "curly" hair like her cousins, so she called and asked them how they do it.  They told her to braid her hair wet, so Mommy braided it after baths.  Her hair was nice and curly in the morning, and she LOVED it!  She said, "I could stare at myself all day!"

Cozy movie nights are the best nights.

Catherine and Caroline wanted popcorn with M&Ms, and Joseph wanted hot chocolate. YUM!

MiMi and Pop Pop gave Caroline and Joseph Kiwi boxes for their birthday.  They will each receive a box once a month for a year.  Each box contains contents and directions for creating cool projects!  Caroline made a rainbow pillow, stained glass window with tissue paper, and a rainbow tote bag with her first box.  Joseph made a grabber, and in his second box he made a constellation lantern and a model of the sun, earth, and moon.  We can't wait to see what's in our next boxes!

Catherine was given three numbers to decorate for her teachers to hang up on the 100th day of school.

Joseph loves drawing pictures for people.  He asks them what their favorite color is, and then he uses blue (his favorite color) and their favorite color to make the picture.  This one is of him and Caroline. 

Thank you for the hand-me-down slippers Charlie!

Playing charades

Mardi Gras donuts on a Saturday morning.  YUMMY!

Santa gave Catherine a snowglobe making kit for Christmas, so you each made one today.  Caroline made Anna, Catherine made Elsa, and Joseph made Olaf. 

Mardi Gras toes

After Mommy and Daddy's run around the lakes this morning, we went tell Mike hi!

You three were off of school for MLK today, so after your dental appointment, we went to the park to play.  It was a gorgeous morning!

Mrs. Anita sent me this picture of Joseph because she was so impressed that he wrote his name so well.  Way to go Bud!

Catherine wrote her cousins a sweet card.

Play-do fun!

This boy loves spaghetti!

Stretching after Mommy and Daddy's run at the lakes.


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