Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Year's Eve 2020

We decided to stay home for NYE and play it safe (COVID numbers are very high right now.)  We had a relaxing day of Trouble, writing our NY's resolutions, and lighting sparklers and fireworks.  Mommy made white beans, you guys tried "champagne" (sparkling grape juice), and we counted down to the new year at 8:00.  Mommy and Daddy tried staying up til midnight, but we fell asleep.  I actually fell asleep on the couch and woke up at 12:01 A.M., just in time to see everyone celebrating on TV.  I woke Daddy up to kiss him. Happy New Year my babies.  I pray you have a happy new year, continue to learn every day, remain healthy and kind, and I hope you know how much your Daddy and I adore you, love you, and are proud of you.  Cheers to a bright 2021.

Catherine is doing well with her inventive spelling!


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