Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Happy 4th Birthday Joseph and Caroline!

Saying "goodnight" to our 3-year-olds for one last time.  :(

Tomorrow my baby boy will be 4.

And so will my baby girl.  Can't believe it.

Happy birthday!!

We went to Lakeside Mall after the zoo to buy some clothes from MiMi's store.

Happy birthday you two!  Your gift is this rock climbing wall that Daddy and Mr. Brandon built for you.  You both love to climb, so we think you'll love using it!  

You both wanted to go see the BR General lights one more time before they take them down, so we went!

MiMi and Pop Pop came to bring you your birthday gifts.  They gave you Kiwi boxes, which are boxes that contain materials to create fun projects!  Thank you MiMi and Pop Pop!

Caroline and Joseph celebrated their birthday at school when they returned.  We decided to bring a king cake for you and your friends to enjoy since you were celebrating the day after King's Day.  


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