Tuesday, December 1, 2020

December Pictures

Pop Pop is working on his train he received as a Christmas gift when he was a little boy.  So special!  You guys had fun holding down the "whistle" lever.

We started untying our Hershey Kisses today, December 1st!  Our Christmas countdown has begun.  Thank you MiMi!

Catherine wore this Christmas ribbon that Mommy used to wear as a little girl.  

Holly, our elf, brought snowballs for us to play with today!

Capes for Cruz

Joseph wrote his name with Jello at school.

These neighbors go ALL out!

Our elf was spotted again!

He drew a picture of himself dressed as an elf, and it was excellent!

Thank you for my beautiful coffee mug Say Say!

This was Caroline's first time writing her name by herself!

Thank you for the hammocks Mrs. Yvonne and Mr. Paul!

Pop Pop restored his bicycle from when he was a teenager.  It looks amazing!

Pajama Day at MDO!

My little helpers helping me make Maw Maw Chiasson's gingerbread cookies with pink icing.

Daddy and Mr. Brandon working on Caroline and Joseph's birthday surprise (a climbing wall!)!

Cool Cat

I can't with his socks.

MiMi and Pop Pop watched the three of you so we could have a "date jog" around the Lakes.

The Marble Run is one of your favorite gifts you received this year.  Daddy is so good at building them!

Pop Pop has been working so hard on getting this train working.  He was gifted this train for Christmas when he was about 4 years old.  He's so close to finishing!


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