Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas 2020

We had such a beautiful Christmas!  We watched mass from our living room with MiMi and Pop Pop on Christmas Eve.  Then the Fallers came over for dinner.  We ate ham sandwiches, chips, and salad, and then Pop Pop read Twas the Night Before Christmas.  After sprinkling reindeer food on the front lawn, everyone left.  We put out Santa's cookies and the reindeer carrots, and you guys went to bed.
You were so excited Christmas morning!  Catherine got tie dye things, a vanity, skates, and more!
Joseph got Pop the Pig, a Dewalt blower, a larger boogie board, and more!  Caroline got her rainbow suitcase, a marble run, princess nightgowns, and more!  We had fun opening presents one at a time.  MiMi and Pop Pop stopped by to see what Santa brought you.
We went to Ray Ray and Aunt Natalie's house around 5:00 for dinner.  You guys had so much fun playing, seeing Camilla, and helping Aunt Natalie and her siblings in their annual gingerbread house competition.  They were so sweet!
Merry Christmas to my three babies.  You are my greatest gifts EVERY year, and I am so thankful to God for you.  

Wake up Daddy!  You have some work to do in the garage!

Santa came!

Ray Ray built you guys a beautiful toy box for Christmas!  It is perfect for your playroom.  We've put all of your dress-up clothes in it.  Thank you Ray Ray and Aunt Natalie!

The toy box is so big, both of you can fit inside!

Daddy's first time holding baby Camilla!


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