Saturday, December 19, 2020

Christmas at Say Say and Uncle Will's House

We got together with Mommy's side of the family today at Say Say and Uncle Will's house for lunch.  We had everything outside due to COVID.  You all had so much fun opening presents and playing with your cousins.  You each took turns and watched what each other got.  You were just as excited watching someone else open their gifts as you were opening your own.  We are blessed to have such a loving and close family.  Only six more days until Christmas!!

We and the Fallers gave MiMi and Pop Pop money to go towards Legacy Box or Memory Box.  

Elizabeth sewed this puppy pillow for Joseph.

And Grace sewed these bow ties for Joseph's stuffed animals.

Thank you for the blue camera Say Say!  Joseph has been wanting one for a while now!!

And Caroline got a pink camera!

Wow- a rock star, Tianna, and a race car driver.  Thank you for the dress-up clothes Fallers!


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