Wednesday, December 1, 2021

December Pictures

Let the Kiss Coundown begin!

I love having them here in BR.

Silly sweater day at school

Training for the marathon is tough.  This morning was grueling, but I finished.

MiMi and Pop Pop went to Nashville with friends.

Happy birthday Grant!

Caroline with her doll Patricia and Catherine with her doll Isabella

Thanks for the huge Connect 4 game Ray Ray, Aunt Natalie and Camilla!

She's keeps finding pictures in her syrup.  This morning she found a smiley face.  That must be she is going to have a happy day!

My bib for the LA Marathon came in today.  It just got real.

We went shopping at Barnes and Nobles with the gift cards Granny gave us for Christmas.  
Thank you, Granny!  We picked out some good ones and had fun shopping!

These hand-me-down pajamas from your cousins fit you perfectly!

Look at the fort you built with Daddy!  Thank you, Fallers, for this fun Christmas gift!!


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