Saturday, December 18, 2021

Teddy Bear Tea/New Orleans at Christmastime

We did all things Christmas in New Orleans today!  We went to the Teddy Bear Tea at the Roosevelt with the Teliches.  This was your second time going and Daddy's first time.  We had fun watching your eyes light up as you watched Santa, Mrs. Claus, and all of the others parade inside the room.  You loved drinking your hot chocolate with marshmallows and picking which cookie/scone you wanted from the plate tower.  After the tea, we walked to the Ritz to see their Christmas displays.  Then we took a trolley down St. Charles Street and back up again.  This was your first trolley ride, and you loved it!  We met up with the Schmeeckles and Chapmans for dinner at Domenica, and then we drove down to Celebration in the Oaks to see the Christmas lights.  We got home pretty late, and you all fell asleep on the way home, but we enjoyed every minute of our time together today.  These Christmases with you at this age are so magical.  You are so excited with every light and Christmas decoration you see.  
I'm so blessed to be your mom.
  I love you three so much.

Catherine's "Grinch" face

Finishing off your PB&J sandwiches


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