Sunday, January 30, 2022

Sixty-One Months Old


LSU Women's Basketball Game

 We went to see the LSU Women's basketball game vs. Kentucky today!  It was another Girl Scouts event, so we had to check in early.  We had fun seeing Mike the Tiger dance around the PMAC, eating popcorn and hotdogs, and watching the team play.  LSU won by 10 points, too!  

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Happy 40th Birthday Amanda!

Mommy celebrated her long time friend Amanda's 40th birthday tonight and we had so much fun!  I pray each of you find life-long friends you can depend on, have fun with, and make sweet memories like Mommy found in elementary school and high school. Love you Manda!!!

St. Jude Basketball

You three had your first St. Jude basketball game this morning.  Catherine's game was first, and you were excited to play with Caroline and Abigail.  You do a great job running back and forth, but you do not like going after the ball.  You'd much rather line up and take turns shooting the ball.
Caroline and Joseph's game was next.  You two loved stealing the ball from other players.  We need to work on dribbling and passing the ball.  Joseph scored 3-4 points, and Caroline scored 1!  Caroline cried a few times during the game because you were unhappy Joseph wasn't passing you the ball.  At one point, Joseph did pass the ball to you, and that's when you scored your point!  Joseph scored a few more goals after that, and you cried again because he made more points than you.  We had a good talk about this when we got home!
Overall, we had a fun morning, and MiMi and Pop Pop even came to cheer you on!  We can't wait for your next games in a few weeks.


Friday, January 28, 2022

Catherine is Camper of the Week

Catherine was camper of the week this week in Ms. Albert's class.  She was asked to fill in this poster, and it hung in her classroom all week.  She presented it to her class on Monday, and the she was asked to call on three students who asked her questions.  Great job Lovebug!


Sunday, January 23, 2022

Happy 3rd Birthday Baby Michael!

 We had a fun afternoon celebrating Michael's 3rd birthday!  

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Happy Birthday Aunt Natalie!

We celebrated Aunt Natalie's 29th birthday today at Drago's.  We love you! Happy birthday!!
Thank you for the best cake ever from Milk Bar, too!!!


Friday, January 21, 2022

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Mommy Runs the LA Marathon

Mommy decided to run her second marathon in honor of turning 40 this year!  What an experience!  I began training in September, going to MiMi and Pop Pop's house almost every morning to run.
 The weather on race day was very cold and windy, which made race day a bit tougher. I ran 21 miles without walking, but then I hit a wall.  Luckily Uncle Jess met me around mile 16 and ran the last 10 miles with me.  Seeing you guys along the route kept me going for sure!  It felt so good to cross the finish line with you there!!  I am so blessed to have such amazing family and friends who were there cheering me on.  Who knows, maybe I'll run another one when I turn 50!

Found my name on the banner at the Expo

Joseph made me this card wishing me good luck on the marathon. I love the gold medal and the race map that you drew.  You are so talented and have such a sweet heart.  I hope that never changes.

Waiting for the race to begin!



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