Sunday, January 16, 2022

Mommy Runs the LA Marathon

Mommy decided to run her second marathon in honor of turning 40 this year!  What an experience!  I began training in September, going to MiMi and Pop Pop's house almost every morning to run.
 The weather on race day was very cold and windy, which made race day a bit tougher. I ran 21 miles without walking, but then I hit a wall.  Luckily Uncle Jess met me around mile 16 and ran the last 10 miles with me.  Seeing you guys along the route kept me going for sure!  It felt so good to cross the finish line with you there!!  I am so blessed to have such amazing family and friends who were there cheering me on.  Who knows, maybe I'll run another one when I turn 50!

Found my name on the banner at the Expo

Joseph made me this card wishing me good luck on the marathon. I love the gold medal and the race map that you drew.  You are so talented and have such a sweet heart.  I hope that never changes.

Waiting for the race to begin!


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