Saturday, January 29, 2022

St. Jude Basketball

You three had your first St. Jude basketball game this morning.  Catherine's game was first, and you were excited to play with Caroline and Abigail.  You do a great job running back and forth, but you do not like going after the ball.  You'd much rather line up and take turns shooting the ball.
Caroline and Joseph's game was next.  You two loved stealing the ball from other players.  We need to work on dribbling and passing the ball.  Joseph scored 3-4 points, and Caroline scored 1!  Caroline cried a few times during the game because you were unhappy Joseph wasn't passing you the ball.  At one point, Joseph did pass the ball to you, and that's when you scored your point!  Joseph scored a few more goals after that, and you cried again because he made more points than you.  We had a good talk about this when we got home!
Overall, we had a fun morning, and MiMi and Pop Pop even came to cheer you on!  We can't wait for your next games in a few weeks.


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