Tuesday, February 1, 2022

February Pictures

Caroline asked for us to take a picture together while I was on break from serving lunch in the cafeteria.  I love getting to see you three during your school day!

Catherine + Caroline = Best Friends

Catherine made this paper coffee mug for Daddy to bring with him to Mexico City.  Daddy took pictures with it wherever he went!

Happy 6th birthday Henry and JuJu!

Leaving for school

MiMi and I had a fun day in New Orleans.  We picked up your art from Abigail Reller's studio, went shopping at Banbury Cross, and bought a king cake from Haydel's.  Love you MiMi!

Mrs. Erica wore a pretty hat to the LSU Beach Volleyball game!

Girl Scout cookies are in!

Happy 5th birthday Jack!

The Cox Communications repairman fell through our ceiling today.

Thanks for cleaning it up Daddy!

First time at the nail salon!  They don't know it yet, but they're getting their nails done for Disney!


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