Monday, February 14, 2022

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day fell on a Monday this year.  Last night, you three slept at MiMi and Pop Pop's house because Mommy and Daddy hosted a Super Bowl party.  Mommy went over bright and early Monday morning to see you three, squeeze you, and give you your Valentine bags.  You had a regular school day, followed by piano lessons, karate, and gymnastics.  When you got home, I had a Valentine scavenger hunt ready for you.  You had to solve various clues to find your ultimate Valentine gift... your own sensory boxes.  It was fun watching Catherine read the clues to Joseph and Caroline and seeing you three figure out the clues.  Mommy and Daddy love you three so much.

Fun at your Pre-K Valentine's Day party

Mommy helped Catherine's class distribute valentines to each other.

Ms. Albert made us a birthday cake king cake.  Yum!!!!


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