Saturday, April 30, 2022


WHAT A CONCERT! Say Say and I gave MiMi and Pop Pop tickets to see Garth Brooks for Christmas. The concert was finally tonight, and man was it fun!!!  The stadium had over 102,000 people, and the energy was electrifying!!  The earth shook when he played Callin' Baton Rouge. He put on quite a show, has so much energy, and is so entertaining.  So glad we went!


Catherine's First Time Bowling

Catherine bowled for the first time today at Landry's birthday party.  Her party was at Premier Lanes in Gonzales, and it was such a fun place!  You guys bowled, played in the arcade, and even rode bumper cars.  I am excited to take you all there this summer! 


Sixty-Four Months Old


Thursday, April 28, 2022

First Grade Field Trip to LASM

I was lucky enough to chaperone Catherine's field trip to the LASM today.  You guys had fun visiting the Egyptian area, playing in the Discovery Depot, and seeing the planetarium.  After the field trip, we went back to school for lunch on the deck and a surprise birthday/wedding shower for Ms. Copeland.  It was a fun day!


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Muffins with Mom

I went to school for Muffins with Mom with Caroline and Joseph this morning. You two made me a beautiful corsage, and placemat, a book, and a picture frame with your pictures in it.  I felt so loved!  I loved coming to see you in your classroom and sharing some brunch with you!  
I love you two SO MUCH!!!


Sunday, April 24, 2022

Happy Greek Orthodox Easter

Ray Ray and Aunt Natalie are Greek Orthodox, so they celebrated Easter a week later than us this year.  We went to their house for dinner, and you all had fun playing with sweet Camilla!  You all even had an Easter egg hunt on the front porch (it started to rain as they were putting the eggs out!).  And Joseph was excited to find the golden egg.  Happy Easter!



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