Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter Weekend

We had a fun Easter weekend!  We went to the Faller's house Saturday for their annual crawfish boil.  MiMi taught Catherine how to peel crawfish, and Caroline and Joseph loved playing tether ball.  On Easter, you three were so excited to see what the Easter Bunny brought.  You got candy, gum, a fish tank, hats, games, Legos, and lots more!  We went to church at St. Jude with MiMi, Pop Pop, and the Fallers.  Then we came home and had yummy ham sandwiches and relaxed.  Ray Ray, Natalie, and Camilla came over later and brought you an Easter gift.  MiMi and Pop Pop came to and gave you your Easter gifts, swimsuits!  We dyed eggs, threw confetti eggs, and you three swam after everyone left.  What a fun day!  I love you!!


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