Thursday, April 21, 2022

Joseph Gets Tubes and His Adenoids Out

Joseph got tubes and his adenoids out today.  This was the first time he's had surgery and gone under anesthesia.  You were all smiles before surgery, wearing your hospital gown and watching cartoons on the TV.  You were so brave as they wheeled you away to surgery, and Mommy cried once you couldn't see me anymore.  Surgery only lasted about 20 minutes, but you had a difficult time after waking up.  You were very upset and confused, and wanted no one but Mommy to hold you.  You cried for quite a while in recovery, and then they moved us to another room where you cried some more.  They finally discharged you, and Daddy carried you to the car (he had a difficult time carrying you because you were so upset!).  Once we got you home, you calmed down and watched TV the rest of the day.  You ate two bowls of ice cream, and the Fallers brought you pudding!  We are so glad surgery went well and it is over. Dr. Scallan said your adenoid tissue was blocking 70-80% of your airway.  We hope this helps with all of the ear infections and congestion you've been getting lately!  We love you buddy!



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