Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Laundry Basket Fun!

Mommy was folding clothes on her bed, and you figured out how to trap yourself with the laundry basket.  You thought it was so funny (and so did I!).  You are learning something new everyday and are growing so fast!

Monday, May 30, 2016

Thirty-Six Weeks/ Memorial Day

We celebrated you turning 36 weeks old and Memorial Day on the same day. 


Sunday, May 29, 2016

Rocking My Baby

One of my favorite times of the day is feeding you your last bottle for the day.  I love rocking you, talking to you about our day, and singing songs to you before putting you to bed. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Visiting with Granny and Grandpa

You and I took a trip down the bayou to visit Granny and Grandpa.  Mimi brought over some lunch, and we had a nice visit!  You got to meet your Great-Great Aunt Lorena and Great-Great Uncle Gerald for the first time.  Uncle Moonie came over for a quick visit, too.  Grandpa enjoyed feeding you, and Granny loved playing with your toys with you.  And of course Mimi loved spending some time with you, too!  Granny couldn't get over how big you've gotten since she last saw you on Mother's Day!  You are so loved!


Monday, May 23, 2016

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Surprise! We're Pregnant (Again!)!

Mommy and Daddy found out you were going to be a big sister on May 16th.  On May 22nd, Grace, Elizabeth, and Anna had their dance recital.  Mimi and Pop Pop came to Baton Rouge for the recital, and we all went out to dinner afterwards.  Mommy wrapped up one of her pregnancy tests and gave it to Mimi for her birthday.  They were all so surprised!!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Eight Months Old

Today you turned 8 months old!  You still love clapping your hands, drinking out of a straw, eating any and all foods we give you, and you are always smiling!  Daddy took your 8 month pictures this month...
Mimi and Pop Pop gave you this headband.  It turns yellow in the sun!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wheel of Fortune

Mommy loves watching Wheel of Fortune and watches it most nights. She noticed that you've started to watch it when it's on, too!  You stop what you're doing when it comes on and turn your head to watch.  Sometimes you even clap when the contestants spin the wheel! 

"I'm stuck Mommy!"

I walked away from you to put some towels in the washer, and when I came back, this is how I found you!  You somehow managed to squeeze underneath your stand-up toy, and you were not happy about it. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Catherine + Molly

Taco Tuesday!

We went eat an early dinner with your friends Julia and Jacob.  You had fun sitting in your high chair, eating some of Julia's pears, eating a little bit of mommy's guacamole, and watching Jacob eat.  :)


Monday, May 16, 2016

Thirty-Four Weeks Old/ You're Going to Be a Big Sister!

What a big day!  Not only did you turn 34 weeks old today, but your first tooth came out!  I felt your bottom right tooth cutting your gums and got so excited that I scared you and made you cry!  Daddy was so excited to feel it when he got home.  Mommy cried... happy because you got your first tooth, but sad because you're growing up so fast!  You'll be ready for table food pretty soon!

You are rolling all over the place, but not quite crawling.  You love playing with Molly, and you still love to talk!  You eat any food that you are fed, and you smile all the time!  You still clap your hands when we tell you to, and you're working on waving "bye-bye".

One other BIG thing happened today!  Mommy and Daddy found out that you are going to be a BIG SISTER!!  Mommy had been feeling yucky for a few days, so she had taken a few pregnancy tests.  They all came back negative... until today.  She decided to take one more test today, and it came back positive!  She couldn't believe it!!  She went to the store and bought a cheesecake for dessert.  She asked the baker to write "We're Expecting!" on top of the cake.  When Daddy got home, Mommy asked him to get the dessert out of the refrigerator.  When he read the top of the cake, he was so surprised!  We can't wait to give you a little brother or sister!! 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Happy Happy Happy!

Every morning, after your bottle, we put you in your jumper.  You get so excited and talk non-stop! Daddy and I like to sit, drink our coffee, and just watch you.

Fun with Flashcards

Daddy was flashing some flashcards with you for the first time, and you thought they were so funny!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Play Date at the Park

Mommy invited Kay, Julia, Betsy, and Brian to the park today.  You had so much fun swinging with your friends!


Monday, May 9, 2016


Mommy put the phone on record where you could see yourself, and you started waving at yourself!  You're so funny.

Thirty-Three Weeks Old

Grocery shopping with Mommy.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day Weekend

This was my first Mother's Day as a mommy, and it was by far the best Mother's Day ever.  You made this weekend and everyday so special.  You, Daddy, and I spent the day together running errands on Saturday.  Daddy gave me a Mother's Day gift from you... a necklace with your birthstone.  So special!  On Sunday, Mommy's side of the family came over to our house for lunch.  You had so much fun playing with your cousins and visiting with Mimi, Pop Pop, Granny, Grandpa, Say-Say, and Uncle Will.  After your afternoon nap, Teita, Jeddo, and Uncle Ray Ray came over to visit.  It was a beautiful weekend, all because of you.  I am so glad God chose me to be your Mommy.  I love you more than words can say.

Daddy was telling me that the stone in the necklace is your birthstone--- sapphire.  This made me cry, and Daddy cried a little bit, too.  (Shh!)

Good morning!  You are the best gift I have ever been given. 



Granny and Grandpa holding hands.  True love.


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