Monday, May 16, 2016

Thirty-Four Weeks Old/ You're Going to Be a Big Sister!

What a big day!  Not only did you turn 34 weeks old today, but your first tooth came out!  I felt your bottom right tooth cutting your gums and got so excited that I scared you and made you cry!  Daddy was so excited to feel it when he got home.  Mommy cried... happy because you got your first tooth, but sad because you're growing up so fast!  You'll be ready for table food pretty soon!

You are rolling all over the place, but not quite crawling.  You love playing with Molly, and you still love to talk!  You eat any food that you are fed, and you smile all the time!  You still clap your hands when we tell you to, and you're working on waving "bye-bye".

One other BIG thing happened today!  Mommy and Daddy found out that you are going to be a BIG SISTER!!  Mommy had been feeling yucky for a few days, so she had taken a few pregnancy tests.  They all came back negative... until today.  She decided to take one more test today, and it came back positive!  She couldn't believe it!!  She went to the store and bought a cheesecake for dessert.  She asked the baker to write "We're Expecting!" on top of the cake.  When Daddy got home, Mommy asked him to get the dessert out of the refrigerator.  When he read the top of the cake, he was so surprised!  We can't wait to give you a little brother or sister!! 

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