Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day Weekend

This was my first Mother's Day as a mommy, and it was by far the best Mother's Day ever.  You made this weekend and everyday so special.  You, Daddy, and I spent the day together running errands on Saturday.  Daddy gave me a Mother's Day gift from you... a necklace with your birthstone.  So special!  On Sunday, Mommy's side of the family came over to our house for lunch.  You had so much fun playing with your cousins and visiting with Mimi, Pop Pop, Granny, Grandpa, Say-Say, and Uncle Will.  After your afternoon nap, Teita, Jeddo, and Uncle Ray Ray came over to visit.  It was a beautiful weekend, all because of you.  I am so glad God chose me to be your Mommy.  I love you more than words can say.

Daddy was telling me that the stone in the necklace is your birthstone--- sapphire.  This made me cry, and Daddy cried a little bit, too.  (Shh!)

Good morning!  You are the best gift I have ever been given. 



Granny and Grandpa holding hands.  True love.


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