Sunday, May 1, 2016

May Pictures

You fell asleep during one of our morning walks.  Daddy was driving by and snapped this picture of you.

Check out that bow on your new beach hat!

 You sat with me today for the longest time with your head on my chest and the biggest smile.  You don't sit very still anymore, so I loved this time with you. 

Mimi was babysitting Anna and Charlie, so we went over to visit with her. 
You love your time with Mimi! 
You love your new pink chair!  It's just your size. :)

Ready for breakfast!

You love your baby doll from Aunt Frances!

Play date with Henry and Julienne!

Your first time eating a mum-mum... you weren't sure what to do with it! :)

 Your cousins came over for "Camp Nanny" time.  You sat with them while they worked on Memorial Day crafts and had so much fun!

My smiley girl!

You love spending time with your friend Jacob!  He loved reading to you and playing his guitar for you.

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