Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Nineteen Months Old

It seems as though the two of you have grown SO MUCH in the past month.  You both are talking more, singing, "reading" books, fighting over toys, doing puzzles, and are so much fun.  Joseph is still a great eater and is not very picky.  Caroline seems to still like her beans and ground meat, but is not a big meat eater other than that.  And Caroline does NOT like eggs!  She LOVES fruit... any fruit!  They both are drinking about 18 oz of whole milk a day, while Catherine is drinking about 15 oz of 2% milk.  When you took your 19 month pictures today, I asked you not to touch the blocks.  For the first time, you listened and said, "OK!"  When I picked up the camera to take your pictures, you both said, "Cheeeeese!"  I think you're starting to understand how to take pictures!  You two are so loved and are growing so fast.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Mommy and Daddy Spend Saturday in New Orleans

Mommy and Daddy took a mini-vacation in New Orleans for the night while Teita stayed with the three of you.  We had lunch at St. James Cheese Factory, had a drink at The Monteleone, took a good nap, had dinner at Restaurant Revolution, and slept ALL NIGHT.  We were back home in BR by 10AM, but it was a fun Saturday!  We missed you guys, though!

Friday, July 27, 2018

Pool Party in Our New Driveway

We've been spending most afternoons playing in our new driveway.  We brought most of your outside toys there for you all to play with.  This afternoon, the Teliches came over and we had a pool party and dinner in the driveway.  Mommy was too lazy to put swimsuits on Joseph and Caroline, so they went naked. ;)  Fun evening!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Catherine's First Movie

Catherine went to the movie theater this morning to see her first movie!  We went with Say Say, your cousins, and their friends.  We saw the $1 summer feature Paddington 2, and you loved it!  You moved from your seat to my lap to Grace's lap a few times, but you loved the show.  You especially loved the popcorn with M&M's on top, too!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Catherine is 34 Months Old

You are looking more grown up everyday.  At this age, you love making up your own songs, you sleep with Douglas, Puppy, and Froggy Baby, you love dressing up in your princess dresses, you're asking A LOT of questions (especially while I'm driving), and you love finding the moon in the sky at night with Daddy.  You are so loved my girl.

Ray and Natalie Get Married!

What a beautiful weekend!  Ray Ray and Natalie got married in Minnesota this weekend.  Mommy and Daddy flew up to MN Friday morning.  We had the rehearsal dinner Friday night, and the wedding was Saturday afternoon at 2:30.  The reception was so much fun, lasting until 1 AM.  We are so happy for the both of them, and we are excited to welcome Natalie as your new aunt.  

Rehearsal dinner

Ray Ray's cake

Look at Jeddo!

Doesn't Daddy look handsome?

I went with Teita and Jeddo to Natalie's house for them to "take" her from her home.

Daddy wore his red hat through the airport on the way home.

We all went on a picnic at the park Sunday afternoon when we got home.  We missed you guys so much!!!  Thank you Mimi and Pop Pop for taking such good care of you three while we were gone!


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