Saturday, July 21, 2018

Ray and Natalie Get Married!

What a beautiful weekend!  Ray Ray and Natalie got married in Minnesota this weekend.  Mommy and Daddy flew up to MN Friday morning.  We had the rehearsal dinner Friday night, and the wedding was Saturday afternoon at 2:30.  The reception was so much fun, lasting until 1 AM.  We are so happy for the both of them, and we are excited to welcome Natalie as your new aunt.  

Rehearsal dinner

Ray Ray's cake

Look at Jeddo!

Doesn't Daddy look handsome?

I went with Teita and Jeddo to Natalie's house for them to "take" her from her home.

Daddy wore his red hat through the airport on the way home.

We all went on a picnic at the park Sunday afternoon when we got home.  We missed you guys so much!!!  Thank you Mimi and Pop Pop for taking such good care of you three while we were gone!

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