Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Nineteen Months Old

It seems as though the two of you have grown SO MUCH in the past month.  You both are talking more, singing, "reading" books, fighting over toys, doing puzzles, and are so much fun.  Joseph is still a great eater and is not very picky.  Caroline seems to still like her beans and ground meat, but is not a big meat eater other than that.  And Caroline does NOT like eggs!  She LOVES fruit... any fruit!  They both are drinking about 18 oz of whole milk a day, while Catherine is drinking about 15 oz of 2% milk.  When you took your 19 month pictures today, I asked you not to touch the blocks.  For the first time, you listened and said, "OK!"  When I picked up the camera to take your pictures, you both said, "Cheeeeese!"  I think you're starting to understand how to take pictures!  You two are so loved and are growing so fast.

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