Thursday, December 20, 2018

Catherine's Christmas Program MDO

Catherine had her Christmas Program this morning at Jefferson Baptist.  Her teachers had given her the last line of the program to say, which was, "And that is why we have Christmas Day."  You practiced it and practiced it and knew your line so well.  When you walked in to the church and saw all of the people, you lost it.  You cried throughout the entire program.  Your sweet teacher put you on her lap, and you held Mrs. Joan's hand part of the way through, too.  You sang a few words to a few songs, but all you wanted was to get off of the stage.  When it was your time to say your line, you cried harder and cried out, "Mommmmy!" into the microphone.  My sweet girl!  
When I picked you up from your classroom after the program, you were all smiles because Mrs. Rachel had given you a candy cane.  I think you'd forgotten all about what happened already!
We are so proud of you no matter what my girl!  Mommy and Daddy were both very shy when we were your age, so you get that from us! 
We love you!

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