Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Polar Express

We took a ride on the Polar Express this morning (in New Orleans).  We had so much fun riding on the train, drinking hot chocolate and eating a cookie, singing carols, and listening to the Polar Express story.  At the end of the ride, Santa made an appearance.  Catherine cried at first, but then Santa softly talked to her and Caroline, gave each of you a bell, and Catherine's fear turned into love.  This made Mommy cry (and Pop Pop cry, too!).  It was such a sweet moment, one that I will never forget.  Santa gave Joseph a bell, too.  You were sitting with Daddy in the seat behind us.  Mimi, Pop Pop, Teita, and Jeddo joined us, too!  What a fun morning!

Sending a letter to Santa!

Catherine volunteered to sing "Jingle Bells" on the microphone, along with a few other kids!

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