Sunday, December 30, 2018

Happy 2nd Birthday Joseph and Caroline!

Happy second birthday to my sensitive, cautious, puppy-loving Joseph and my fearless, tough, and non meat-eater Caroline.  You two bring so much love and happiness into me and Daddy's lives.  We love you so much, and we pray you always know how special you are. 
Happy birthday Caroline and "Buddy"!

Mommy was sick in bed all day the day before your birthday, so we had a low-key day at home.  The three of you and Daddy played outside most of the day while Mommy caught up on chores inside. Joseph got sick the night of his birthday.  Stomach bugs are no fun!  Catherine had it, then Daddy, then Mommy, then Joseph... Caroline got Fifth's Disease a few days later.  
Now that everyone is feeling better, I'm praying we can all stay healthy for a while!

You each got a scooter for your birthday!

We didn't get a picture with Teita and Jeddo on Christmas, 
so we took one in front of our tree today instead!

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