Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Catherine's Easter Program at JB MDO

This morning, Catherine had her Easter Program at Jefferson Baptist.  It was originally supposed to be on April 18th, but it was canceled due to bad weather.  Mommy, Daddy, Caroline, Joseph, Jeddo, Mimi, and Pop Pop were all there to see you sing your songs with your classmates.  (Teita was in Mexico City, and Say Say just had surgery, so they couldn't attend.)  You were very shy, and you weren't quite sure when you turned the corner of the church.  Once your teacher brought you to your seat, you sat very still and cried for only a little while.  You didn't sing, but we were so proud of you for standing up with your class.  Mommy and Daddy were both shy when we were your age, so I guess you get your shyness from us!
Jeddo and Daddy left immediately after, so we didn't get a picture with them. 

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