Saturday, April 27, 2019

Catherine's First Race

Catherine's ran/walked her first race this morning!  You participated in the Seize the Day Fun Run 1 Mile, and you did a great job!  You began walking, but then realized Jacob Schmeeckle was ahead of you and wanted to catch up to him.  So! You ran!  You probably ran about 1/4 of the mile, and I am so proud of you!  Caroline and Joseph wanted to run with us so badly... I think next year will be their turn to join in!  Mommy and Daddy ran the 5K afterwards and pushed you guys in the stroller.  We had fun hanging out with the Schmeeckles and Chapmans after listening to Blue Verse play.  It was a gorgeous morning and a great way to kick off the weekend!
 I'm hoping to do another race with you very soon!  

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