Sunday, April 14, 2019

GOTR with Elizabeth, Grace, and Catherine

Elizabeth and Grace ran their first official race today!  We ran the Girls on the Run 5K in Baton Rouge, and Mommy pushed Catherine in the stroller so she could join in the fun.  Elizabeth and Grace did an AMAZING job pushing through to the end.  Towards the end, Mommy let Catherine out of the stroller, and Elizabeth and Grace held her hand and ran with her to the finish line.  You all had fun picking out your bandana, making cozies, writing an inspirational quote on the wall, and eating jambalaya afterwards.  It was a gorgeous day, and one I won't forget.  I love my girls!

Before leaving for the race, we all exchanged Easter gifts since the Fallers will be at the beach for Easter.

The very first bandana Grace picked had the positive word "Reader" on it.  So appropriate!

Catherine saw other girls getting their hair painted, so she wanted her hair painted, too.  They didn't have purple hair spray paint, so she chose orange instead!

Her first medal from a race!

Way to go girls!

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