Sunday, May 5, 2019

A Hiking We Will Go

We took a road trip to Tunica Hills and Tunica Falls today.  We had a picnic at Tunica Hills and walked along a few hiking trails.  Then we drove to Tunica Falls with the hopes of seeing a waterfall or two.  Little did we know that we were unable to reach them with a Double Bob stroller!  Poor Daddy got some major cardio pushing Caroline and Joseph up and down some steep hills!  We didn't make it to the waterfalls today, but hopefully we will return when you guys are a little older and can walk to see them!  We had a fun adventure today anyway!
When we got home, we had some rainbow sprinkler fun in the driveway.  We've really been enjoying our driveway and backyard and have been eating dinner outside almost every night that it's good weather!  We are so blessed to have this home.

And... Happy Cinco de Mayo!

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