Tuesday, May 14, 2019

JB-MDO Family Picnic and Last Day of Soccer Shots

We had a fun day today at the Jefferson Baptist MDO Family Picnic.  There was a petting zoo, pony rides, face painting, balloons, hotdogs, popsicles, bounce houses, and more!  Catherine and Caroline rode the ponies, Catherine and Joseph jumped in the bounce houses, and you all had fun playing on the playground and swinging.  We said our goodbyes to Mrs. Rachel and Mrs. Dana, too.  This won't be the last time Catherine goes to JB, though.  She'll be going on Tuesdays and Thursdays this summer!  And then starting in the Fall, Joseph and Caroline will be in the oldest 2's class!

After the picnic, Catherine had her final Soccer Shots practice.  It was supposed to be last Friday, but due to the weather, school and soccer was canceled.  Catherine received a medal, a certificate, and a precious Soccer Shots ball cap.

We are so thankful for the sweet teachers and coaches who loved Catherine this year.  She has grown and learned so much while at Jefferson Baptist, and we are going to miss everyone dearly.  Can't believe she'll begin Pre-K4 in the Fall at St. Jude!  Time is passing too quickly!

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