Monday, May 20, 2019

Tadpole Academy Swim Lessons

Today, all three of you began swim lessons with Tadpole Academy.  Lessons are at the New Song Church off Old Perkins across from Say Say's house.  
On Day 1, all three of you cried.  Catherine only cried a little, but Joseph and Caroline cried the entire time.

Update! As the days went on, Joseph became braver and had no more tears!  He jumped in when he was asked to and became so good at kicking his legs!
Caroline cried every day except the last day.  She did a great job kicking her legs, especially on the last day of lessons. She also became a great "monkey crawler".  
Catherine had not tears until Day 6.  She cried on day 6 and day 7, but on the last day of lessons, she rocked it!  She kicked her legs, used her ice cream scoops, and floated well!
All three of you were able to go under and retrieve a pool toy from the bottom of the pool, too!
I am so proud of all three of my little fish!

Day 1

Day 2

Catherine did not cry at all on Day 2!  Caroline and Joseph cried, but they still did what the teacher asked them to do!

Day 6- group picture!

You got some fun treats on your last day of swim lessons!  Caroline and Joseph chose the shark pool toy, and Catherine chose the goggles.  You each got a cute T-shirt, too!
Thank you Mrs. Taylor and Miss Baldwin!

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