Thursday, February 18, 2021

Acapulco Trip/Big Freeze of 2021

What a crazy few days it has been!
Daddy and I hardly ever go on a trip just the two of us, so we decided to go to Acapulco for three nights.  (Teita stayed home with you three.)  We left on Saturday morning, knowing that it was going to be very cold on Monday and Tuesday.  Our flights into Baton Rouge and Houston started cancelling because of frozen roads, rain, and dangerously low temperatures, so we were constantly having to rebook flights to get home.  With no more Acapulco flights until the following weekend, we decided to drive to Mexico City with Joe Joe and fly from there.  On the way to MC, our flight was cancelled (again!).  Long story short, we ended up going straight to the airport in Mexico City.  We got on flight that night to Miami, UBERED to Fort Lauderdale, slept for 3 hours in a hotel room, flew to New Orleans, and then rented a car to get home.  It took us a full 24 hours to get home, but our homecoming was very SWEET.  I was so relieved and happy to get home and to see your faces!  And your cards were the best.

Several people back home lost power,  were sleeping in their cars to stay warm, had frozen pipes, etc.  We were blessed to never lose power here on Hill Drive.  When Daddy and I arrived back, the trees, rooftops, flower beds, etc. were covered with ice. What a difference between Acapulco and Baton Rouge weather!


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