Monday, February 1, 2021

February Pictures

They were holding hands watching a TV show.  So sweet. 

Pajama Day at MDO for the letter "P".  Caroline and MK had matching pajamas!

Catherine saw a heart in her syrup. :)

Daddy and his babies watching the Super Bowl.  

Mardi Gras Day at school

Q is for... quarterback and queen!  

Caroline and MK had unplanned Queen costumes!

Meet the cutest three-piece band around!

Picnic in the kitchen

The sweetest kisses!

Sweet Camilla

Catherine was Star Student this week (February 22-26)!  She had to fill out and decorate this poster and send pictures to school of her favorite things.

"Popping bubbles" on Pop Pop's computer

"Red Day" at school for the letter R

Catherine holding sweet Camilla

Thanks for the slime Miss Sarah (Aunt Natalie's sister)!

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