Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day 2021

Today we remembered all of the men and women who have died while fighting for our country.  We began our day with red, white, and blue cinnamon rolls.  Then we went for a run around the lakes, followed by a trip to the CCLA park.  Teita and Jeddo were on a walk and met us there.  We ate Maxwell's Market at the park, and then we went to the snowball stand.  We finished our afternoon at the State Capitol where we stood before hundreds of American flags.  You all climbed the stairs to the State Capitol Building for the first time.  
Thank you to all the brave men and women who have sacrificed for our freedom.  


Friday, May 28, 2021

Caroline's First Dance Recital

Tonight was Caroline's first dance recital!  We are so proud of you!!  You danced your little heart out, shook those hips, and smiled all the way through.  You said you had fun and want to take dance lessons again next year.  Way to go Caroline!  We love our tiny dancer!
You were so excited to get your first trophy!


Monday, May 24, 2021

Catherine's Last Day of Tumbling

Today was Catherine's last day of tumbling for this school year.  You loved tumbling class and learned so much this year!  Your favorite things that you've been working on are your cartwheel, split, split rolls, pike rolls, hand stands, crab walks, roundoffs, and backbends.  You want to try gymnastics next year, so we said goodbye to Ms. Sami for now!  Thank you, Tari's, for a great tumbling year!


Saturday, May 22, 2021

Summer Fun With Our Cousins!

MiMi and Pop Pop had all seven of you over for a sleepover last night!  On Sunday, we all went to their pool and soaked up some sun.  We love spending time with the Faller Four!


Thursday, May 20, 2021

Happy 69th Birthday MiMi!

Happy birthday MiMi!  We love you, we are thankful for you, and we are so happy to celebrate YOU today!  We had a nice dinner at French Market Bistro, Oreo cake from Ambrosia, and we gifted you an air fryer.  We hope you know how much we love you today and everyday!  Maybe we'll be able to eat at Houmas House next year. (It has been raining all week and the grounds were too soggy to go tonight.)


Monday, May 17, 2021

Tadpole Academy Swim Lessons

We decided to start the summer off right with swim lessons!  Catherine moved up to the next level while Joseph and Caroline stayed in the beginner class for one more year.  All three of you are doing so well!  Catherine has a strong stroke, Caroline is kicking and scooping her arms, and Joseph is jumping in and kicking (in the fetal position!).  We can't wait until we can swim in our own pool in a few weeks!


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