Saturday, May 1, 2021

May Pictures

Happy birthday William and Luke!

"Hats Off to Our Eighth Graders" Day at school

Mommy and Catherine had lots of fun and worked hard to make 60 of these graduation caps for all of the St. Jude Kindergarteners.  They wore them for the photo booth at field day.

MiMi and Pop Pop found Mommy's old rocking horse while emptying out their attic in Houma.  Y'all are a little too big for it now, but you were still able to ride it!  Mommy will keep it for any future children you three may have. 

"Fixing" the kitchen table!

You guys love playing Memory, especially Joseph.  He wins every time!

Catherine wrote this on the board in the office! 

It stormed last night, causing flooding in many parts of Baton Rouge.

Swim lessons were cancelled due to rain, so we came home to play in it instead!

A fun jog along the river in New Orleans

Posing in the tub at Mosquito Supper Club.  Happy birthday KoKo!

Thank you Teliches for the sweet Kindergarten Graduation gift!

Written by Catherine

Sunday lunch at Superior with the Maleks!

We can't wait for the hot tub to be completed!

We graduated to booster seats, so Daddy can now fit all three in his truck.  Yay!


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