Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mother's Day 2021

I had a beautiful Mother's Day today.  It began with mass with all of you, and then lunch at MiMi and Pop Pop's.  Pop Pop barbequed, and everything was delicious!  Granny was even able to join us!  We played Bingo after lunch for quarters, and you three got the hang of it after playing a few rounds.  Later we went visit with Teita and Jeddo.  They're still recovering from COVID, so we stayed out in the driveway. 
I feel so blessed every day to call you three my babies.  You are each so different and unique in your own ways, and you are growing up to be thoughtful, kind, and so very smart.  I am so thankful God chose me to be your Mommy.  

We celebrated Mother's Day with Teita the Friday before Mother's Day because they were supposed to go to Acapulco on Saturday.  Unfortunately, Jeddo started feeling sick and they both tested positive for COVID19.  They had to cancel their trip and quarantine for Mother's Day.  We love you Teita and hope you have a better Mother's Day next year!


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