Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Catherine's Pre-K Field Trip to Fresh Pickins'

Today was a VERY exciting day!  Catherine got to ride a school bus for the FIRST time, and she went on her first field trip with her Pre-K class.  Mommy was lucky enough to ride the bus with you!  You and your friends were so excited to ride the bus, and we sat on the very BACK seat.  You and Landry (your friend) loved bouncing up and down, and you giggled the whole way to Fresh Pickins'.  Once there, you all were lead through the fruit stand where you were asked about various fruits and vegetables.  Afterwards, the two Pre-K classes were given two pumpkins to bring back to your classrooms.
After visiting the fruit stand, we all went to Highland Road Park to play and eat lunch.  Several parents met their children there to eat.  It was a GORGEOUS, cool day to be outside.  The perfect day for a field trip!
You told me your favorite part of the day was riding the bus.  :)

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