Monday, October 7, 2019

October Pictures

Mrs. Annie took this picture of Joseph at school.  She said she told him to smile, and this is what he did.  :)

Look at all the pumpkins at the fruit stand!

Molly enjoyed going for a ride!

When we arrived home from bringing Catherine to school, we saw a flock of geese walking around across the street!  They later walked next door to us and got close to our fence.  So neat to see!

Picking "Princess Pumpkins" at BR General pumpkin patch.  
Raising awareness for breast cancer screening.

Catherine's first soccer game at St. Jude.  Catherine was too shy to play, but sat on the sidelines and cheered her team on.  Go Team Purple!

Hollydays 2019

Fun at the Penington Family Picnic.  Thanks for inviting us Aunt Natalie!

While waiting to meet with Mrs. Driesse for our first parent-teacher conference, Mommy snapped some pictures of your artwork hanging in the hallway.

Picture hanging near Mrs. Driesse's door.  

Catherine got a trim on her day off from school.

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