Saturday, October 12, 2019

Fun at the Corn Maze

After Catherine's first soccer game this morning, we went to the Corn Maze at the Rural Life Museum off Essen.  The weather finally felt like Fall, and it was a beautiful day!  We had lots of fun finding our way through the corn maze, climbing Hay Mountain, looking at the beautiful sunflowers, eating corndogs and fresh corn off the grill, riding on a hayride, picking satsumas off the trees, sitting on a tractor for the first time, decorating pumpkins, and playing in a corn box!  
 Daddy and I love making these memories with the three of you.

I love the crisp smell in the air this time of year. Reminds me of when I was growing up and Pop Pop would open up all the windows in our house to let the fresh air in.  I would get so excited when Mimi would decorate our house with Halloween decorations, many of which she made herself!  I loved helping her take everything out of the boxes and find a place for it all. Carving pumpkins and going to school Fall Fests were always so much fun.
I hope you three remember little things like this from your childhood and know how much Mommy and Daddy love you.

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