Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!  We began our day with jack-o-lantern oatmeal.  You all had school today, and Catherine had her Halloween party at school. You all had fun decorating your pumpkin cookies and eating your yummy snacks.  Later that evening, you all got dressed up in your costumes, and we went to KoKo and Uncle Mike's house for hotdogs and chili. Mimi, Pop Pop, Say Say, Uncle Will, your cousins, Teita, Jeddo, Ray Ray, and Aunt Natalie all joined us!  It was a chilly night, but so much fun.  You all were so excited and were hard to keep up with (y'all were moving fast!).  We walked around until almost 8:00!  We made some sweet memories with you three today!

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