Saturday, May 30, 2020

Catherine's Dance Recital 2020

Due to COVID-19,  your dance recital was cancelled.  But we didn't let that stop us from having your recital at home.  You got all dressed up in both of your costumes and did your performance in the play room.  You did an excellent job, and we are all so proud of you!!
You said you want to try something new next year, and that you wanted to learn how to do cartwheels.  So, we signed you up for Tumbling at Tari's.  I can't wait to see what you learn!

Forty-One Months Old

Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day 2020

Daddy was upstairs with the Coronavirus, so we didn't spend the day at the splash park or at the beach like we would have liked!  Instead, we ate red, white, and blue pancakes, we learned about why we celebrate Memorial Day, and we colored patriotic pictures.  The Teliches and Schmeeckles brought us BBQ, and Mommy's high school friends brought me plenty of meals from Maxwell's Market to help get through the next couple weeks.  We are so blessed!
And we are very thankful for the men and women who sacrifice for our country.  

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Daddy has COVID-19

Daddy was diagnosed today with Coronavirus.  He was having some body aches, especially a back ache, and feeling tired.  He needs to try and stay away from us and quarantine upstairs for at least 10 days until he starts feeling better.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Happy 68th Birthday MiMi!

We had a "social distance" dinner in our driveway/garage this evening to celebrate MiMi's 68th birthday!  We kept our distance, but we still managed to have a great time!  We love you MiMi! Happy birthday!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Catherine's Last Day of Pre-K4

We celebrated your last day of Pre-K with a donut breakfast!  Then we had a "drive-thru" certificate ceremony where Mrs. Driesse and Mrs. Watlington gave you your end-of-the-year certificates and summer bucket.  You were so excited to get your bucket because it was filled with popsicle chalk, a beach ball, a pinwheel, a bug catcher, and bubbles!  Then, we went to see your grandparents to show them all of your certificates.  Your teachers awarded you with the "Future Teacher Award"!
Daddy and I are so proud of your hard work this year.  Kindergarten, here she comes!


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