Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Caroline and Joseph's Last Day of MDO

We celebrated your "last" day of MDO today with a drive-by goodbye to your teachers at JB!  They gave you a folder filled with some handprint art, pictures of you, and some other artwork.  They also gave you a beach ball, some suckers, and some watercolor paint.  It was so good to see them!  We have been missing them while we've been quarantined, and we're going to continue missing them this summer!  
After we left JB, we drove to Mimi and Pop Pop's house.  You guys wanted to show them what you got from your teachers.  Wearing your masks, you all were able to hug them for the first time since Mommy's birthday.  It brought tears to my eyes to see!

After a nice visit, we picked up Chic-fil-A and had a picnic at home.  What a great day!

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