Friday, May 1, 2020

May Pictures

Happy 3rd birthday MK!

Decorating their "cakes" with shaving cream, boxes, and buttons

Helping Mommy fold towels

Caroline accidentally gave Joseph a black eye with her chin while playing on the slide in the backyard.  Ouch!

Catherine working on her Kindergarten workbook that Mrs. Driesse gave to her.  She loves it!

Thank you for our water bows Say Say!

This was our last pool party before Daddy was diagnosed with Coronavirus.

Catherine was running a slight fever, so I brought her to see Dr. Guidroz.  She had a great visit! Just keep an eye on her!

This is a picture of Daddy drawn by Joseph!  He did a great job!!

Thank you Anne Watson for the DELICIOUS surprise!!

We're on TV!

Catching some (dead) bugs!

Poor Daddy.  We sure miss being able to hug him!

Y'all put masks on your stick people.  ;)

Thank you for the dance cup MiMi and Pop Pop!!

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