Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Day 2020

What a beautiful Mother's Day weekend!

On Friday, Mr. Tony came by and gave me a dozen roses for Mother's Day.  What a sweet surprise!  Definitely made my day!

 On Saturday, we went visit Granny in Thibodaux.  We visited her through the window again, and it was so good to see her.  It was tough trying to communicate over the phone, but we still had a wonderful visit.  That afternoon, we all went to Mimi and Pop Pop's house, along with your cousins, and gave them their rocking chairs for Mother's Day (and Father's Day!).  They look great on their front porch!  We had a nice visit social distanced in their front yard.

On Sunday, it wasn't the typical Mother's Day, and I didn't get to hug my mom, but it was still beautiful!  Michael and the kids gave me this beautiful statue of St. Francis of Assissi to put outside, along with some Air Pods and a small dust buster for the closet. ;)
We all went for a jog this morning in our neighborhood.  Then we went see Teita and Jeddo and ate a picnic lunch I packed in their driveway.  After naps, we picked up crawfish from Say Say's that Uncle Will boiled, and we brought some to Mimi and Pop Pop and had a quick visit with them.  
Today was so special because of my three GREATEST GIFTS- Catherine, Joseph, and Caroline, YOU ARE FOREVER THE BEST THING I'VE EVER ACCOMPLISHED AND I LOVE YOU MORE THAN WORDS CAN DESCRIBE.  You are my heart.  I am so blessed and thankful to be your Mommy.

Catherine made me a corsage to wear.

Thank you for my beautiful picture Caroline!

Mimi holding Mommy when I was a baby.  I love this picture of Mimi.

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