Friday, August 30, 2019

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Orange Beach Labor Day 2019

We spent Labor Day 2019 in Orange Beach with the Teliches, the Schmeeckles, and the Chapmans.  We had so much fun playing in the sand, burying Daddy in the sand, swimming in the pool, playing on the splash pad, and playing with your friends.  Catherine had a ball riding the water slide, too!  Mommy and Daddy TRIED getting Caroline and Joseph to ride it, but you refused!  Caroline rode it ONE time, and since you went too fast, you didn't want to ride it again.  Maybe next year!
Sweet memories were made this weekend!  We are very blessed to have such amazing friends.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Caroline and Joseph Meet Their MDO Teacher

Today was a special day!  Caroline and Joseph got to see their classroom and meet their teacher for the first time.  Mrs. Annie, their real teacher, could not be there due to medical issues, but you got to meet your substitute teacher, Mrs. Evy.  
You both had fun playing with the trains, and you both had a lot of fun! 


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