Friday, August 9, 2019

Catherine's First Day at St. Jude

Today was Catherine's first day of Pre-K4 at St. Jude!  You got a little nervous when Mommy was getting you dressed, but that was it!  No tears!  Caroline was awake to hug and kiss you goodbye, but Joseph was still sleeping when Mommy left to take you to school.  When we got there, you said, "Bye, Mommy!" and got out of the van with the carpool teacher.  I was SO proud of you, and the minute the van door closed, I cried my eyes out!  My little girl is growing up so fast, and I am so extremely proud of the person you are.  You are kind, observant, loving, funny, and incredibly sweet.  I pray that God continues to bless you and watch over you, and I pray you have a wonderful school year!  We are blessed to have Mrs. Driesse and Mrs. Watlington as your teacher/teacher assistant.  
When I picked you up, you were all smiles!  You met someone named Elizabeth (except there is no Elizabeth in your class... I think you meant you met a girl named Grace!).  You cried once, right before your nap.  But you did fall asleep!  You had ham and potatoes for lunch, read some books, and didn't play outside because they're re-doing the surface on the Pre-K playground.  
You don't go back to school again until Tuesday.  I'm going to snuggle you until then!! ;)

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